2022-23 ATSU University Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
ELEC 8178 - Public Health Practicum: Elective I, II, and III [for SOMA DO/MPH dual degree program only] 4 credit hours
The OMS IV ATSU-SOMA Public Health Practicum (ELEC 8178) is a four-week rotation. This course is only open to ATSU-SOMA DO/MPH students. Enrollment in this DO/MPH specific course requires concurrent enrollment in PUBH 7850: Public Health Practicum SOMA Part II, which is offered by the CGHS. The DO/MPH specific course can satisfy one ATSU-SOMA Elective and part (3 credits) of the CGHS Practicum (6 credit) experience. All DO/MPH students are strongly encouraged to enroll in this course, but they are not required to do so. If students decide not to enroll in this DO/MPH specific Elective course then they will be enrolled in the CGHS program for the full 6 credits for their MPH Practicum course (PUBH 7800: Public Health Practicum).
This DO/MPH specific course is designed to provide the student with an understanding of primary care and public health topics through the integration of didactic knowledge, clinical and other experiences. The student will work with their course director (Director of Community Oriented Primary Care), CGHS MPH practicum coordinator, RDME, on site preceptor, and other advisors to develop and execute an applied practice experience at their rotation site.
Students are required to: 1) set up an advising appointment with the course director to discuss the DO/MPH specific Elective course option, 2) contact the Clinical Education Department (CED) to enroll in the Elective, 3) once enrolled, identify and receive CGHS approval of a site and preceptor via the agreement forms provided by the MPH practicum coordinator/instructor of record, and 4) complete and submit an Applied Practice Experience (APE) Learning Agreement to the course director. The course director will work closely with all DO/MPH students to discuss the student’s plans and ensure appropriate choice of site and preceptor.
Students should adhere to their advising appointment with the course director, receive course approval by the CED, and submit the aforementioned agreement forms 90 days in advance of their proposed start date.
Once the APE Learning Agreement is approved by the course director, she will forward it to the CGHS MPH practicum coordinator for final approval.
Once final approval is given by the CGHS MPH practicum coordinator, the course director will inform the student.
The APE is the first component of the practicum where students must outline the products to be created and the MPH Foundational and Program Competencies that they will demonstrate (the course syllabus includes the list of competencies from which students may choose).
At the end of this DO/MPH specific Elective course, students must turn in the following items into ATSU-SOMA to receive a grade: 1) patient logs (or indication of no patient logs) for SOMA and the CGHS-required Time Sheet recording any time spent working on the APE, 2) Clinical Rotation Evaluation (CRE), 3) Student Evaluation of the Rotation (SER), 4) Attestation, and 5) a one-page document summarizing what the student has learned from the experience, in addition to a timeline for when the student plans to complete the MPH required elements of the APE and ILE.