Feb 10, 2025  
2024-25 University Student Handbook 
2024-25 University Student Handbook

Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs

The vice chancellor for student affairs (VCSA) oversees student support areas and programs for the entire university community. Student Affairs is involved in all aspects of a student’s life including student activities, community involvement, health and wellness, and learning support. The vice chancellor for student affairs and associate vice chancellor-student affairs and director - student affairs act as ombudspersons for all students.

ATSU Student Affairs is comprised of the following functional areas: Admissions, Behavioral Health and Wellness, Enrollment Services, Learning Resources & Accommodation Services, Student Life, and the Thompson Campus Center.

Codes of Conduct

Codes of conduct
ATSU students are expected to abide by two important codes known as the Code of Academic Conduct and Code of Behavioral Standards. These codes establish minimum student expectations and serve as professional behavior. Behavior in violation of the codes is subject to sanctions including, but not limited to, reprimand, probation, suspension, dismissal, and disciplinary consultation, as well as other sanctions deemed appropriate by the University. For detailed definitions of these sanctions, please see Appendix A .

Code of Academic Conduct

Consult the ATSU University Catalog for the Code of Academic Conduct.

Code of Behavioral Standards

ATSU students are expected to adhere to a behavior standard consistent with University standards. In addition, students must comply with all relevant rules and regulations of the city and state in which they are residing, as well as all federal laws.
Students are subject to the same civil laws as other citizens. University policies and regulations are designed to encourage students’ intellectual and personal development. Students who violate the law may incur penalties prescribed by civil authorities. Students who violate University regulations off-campus are subject to penalties just as if the violation occurred on campus.

Violations of the Code of Behavioral Standards shall initially be investigated and handled by either the dean of the college/school, the dean’s designee, or VCSA/AVCSA. The dean and VCSA/AVCSA are encouraged to consult with one another to help ensure students’ interests are protected. Students may read the Code of Behavioral Standards, in its entirety, in Appendix B .

Standards and Ethics Board

ATSU shall have a standing SEB charged with the responsibility of conducting a formal hearing, when requested by a student, to determine the merits of a Code of Behavioral Standards charge and or the appropriateness of a proposed sanction.

For more information on SEB procedures including membership of the SEB, notices of hearing, hearing guidelines, recordkeeping, and appeals, please see Appendix B.  

Student Health Insurance Plan

A.T. Still University requires all students enrolled in a residential program to maintain active health insurance coverage. To ensure students have access to a comprehensive plan, A.T. Still University has chosen Aetna Student Health (ASH) as its medical plan provider for the student health plan. All ATSU students must meet ATSU requirements by either enrolling in the ATSU student sponsored health plan or submit a waiver and receive approval for use of another acceptable health coverage plan.

HSA Consulting, Inc. (HSAC) is the group administrator for the student health plan and will verify waiver information to ensure all students are in compliance with A.T. Still University health insurance requirements. As the group administrator HSAC will assist students with plan questions, address changes, claims assistance and obtaining ID cards. For more information on details of the plan, University requirements, enrollment, or completing the waiver process; please visit https://app.hsac.com/atsu.

HSA Consulting, Inc. is available by phone, (888-978-8355), or email (atsu@hsac.com) for any additional questions regarding the waiver/enrollment process or the student health insurance plan.

Student Health Insurance Requirements
All students MUST be covered by an Affordable Care Act (ACA) compliant domestic health insurance plan for the entire academic year, including summer and holidays.  Acceptable coverages to waive the A.T. Still University - Sponsored Student Health Insurance Plan are: a parent’s employer group plan, a spouse’s employer group plan, VA Benefits or COBRA. Individual plans will be accepted as long as they meet the University’s waiver requirements. Additionally, the University will allow students to waive out of the student health insurance plan using Medicaid based coverage. Only didactic students who are permanent residents of Arizona, Missouri, and California and remain in their state of residence (Arizona, Missouri, or California) the entire year are eligible to waive with their respective state Medicaid. The A.T. Still University waiver requirements are as follows:

  • Deductible MUST NOT be more than $2,500 individual, NO exceptions. (If an individual deductible is not listed, the family deductible is the individual deductible.)
  • Unlimited major medical coverage
  • Prescription coverage
  • Mental health coverage
  • Coverage for an annual wellness exam 


• A provider network in the area of your A.T. Still University campus for primary care, specialty, hospital, and diagnostic care. Students attending online programs, including those that are only partially online, are exempt from this requirement.

Short-term health insurance policies, traveler’s plans, or plans originating outside the United States will not be accepted as part of the waiver process.

Failure to maintain continuous health insurance coverage may result in disciplinary action including possible suspension and/or dismissal.

Disability Insurance

ATSU students enrolled in residential clinical-based programs are required to carry University- provided disability insurance coverage. ATSU has contracted with providers for the group coverage. Professional/graduate school is an expensive investment, and ATSU is dedicated to helping protect its students’ financial well-being.

Disability insurance helps protect students from financial hardships if their education is disrupted. Additionally, it also provides assistance with loan repayment in the case of a complete disability event.

All residential (not online) students, currently enrolled, are covered under the disability insurance plan through graduation. Students who withdraw from ATSU or are dismissed will be un-enrolled from the coverage on the withdrawal/dismissal date.

Dress Code

Please refer to the academic program for guidance on appropriate dress code.

Drug and Alcohol Misuse and Prevention Program

ATSU has a Drug and Alcohol Misuse Prevention Program (DAMPP) to inform students of the existence of ATSU’s drug-free and alcohol-free policy; availability of drug and alcohol counseling, dangers of drug abuse, drug and alcohol prevention measures, and drug and alcohol abuse penalties.

In compliance with the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act of 1989, a description of ATSU’s complete DAMPP may be found online. Learn more at atsu.edu/dampp.

Student Complaints

ATSU offers mechanisms for resolution of complaints arising from academic, non-academic, administrative, or behavioral concerns. Each process is designed to help ensure the safety, security, and fair treatment of all students. ATSU encourages informal resolution through direct communication with the individuals involved, whenever possible. In instances where informal resolution as described below is unsatisfactory or there is a specific complaint process, concerns are elevated to formal complaints. Students should consult with Student Affairs if they are unsure about where or how to address a concern.

Informal Complaints

Informal complaints (e.g., concerns or expressions of dissatisfaction or disagreement) should be handled through direct communication (e.g., conversation, email, letter) between the student and the individual or office involved.

  • a. The majority of student complaints can be addressed through communication with the individuals involved and are issues commonly handled by a university support office (e.g., Student Affairs, Human Resources).
  • b. If the issue remains unresolved, the informal complaint should be directed to the appropriate university office, academic unit, or dean for additional pursuit of resolution.

General Complaints

ATSU recognizes students’ rights to express general complaints and seek solutions to problems arising from complaints, disagreements with faculty/administrators, or different interpretations of ATSU policy. Concerns may involve course grades, promotion, financial concerns, etc. The procedure for expressing a general complaint that does not fall under the Code of Academic Conduct; Code of Behavioral Standards; or the Specific Complaint Processes shown below:

  • Academic.  Any concern academic in nature should be first discussed with the immediate instructor. If resolution cannot be reached, a student may appeal in writing to the next ranking administrator.
  • Non-academic.  For concerns in areas other than academic, a student should first direct their complaint in writing to the director of the specific area of concern and if resolution is not reached, then to the appropriate dean, vice chancellor, or president.

General complaints should include the nature of the complaint, requested outcomes, and a description of previous attempts to resolve the issue informally. Students should expect a preliminary response from the appropriate office/unit within ten (10) business days of receipt of the general complaint. The designated responder will address the general complaint as timely as possible and provide the student a final written determination including any proposed resolution.

  1. General complaints cannot be anonymous or filed on behalf of another person.
  2. Complaints handled through a different university process or procedure will be returned to the student with information on where/who to submit the complaint to for processing. See above for a list of specific complaint resources.

Students are encouraged to consult with Student Affairs if unsure about where or how to address a concern and/or complaint. To submit a report, please navigate to atsu.edu/incident-report-form.

ATSU offers a fraud hotline allowing for anonymous complaints.  Please see www.fraudhl.com/submit-a-report/  or call 1-855-FRAUD-HL, company ID “ATSU”.

Specific Complaint Process

There are many types of specific complaints directly addressed by policy. Specific complaints and the source for the appropriate processes are listed below.

On the Arizona Campus (only)

If the complaint can not be resolved after exhausting the institution’s complaint procedures, the student may file a complaint with the Arizona State Board for Private Postsecondary Education.  The student must contact the State Board for further details.  The State Board address is 1740 W. Adams, Ste. 3008, Phoenix, AZ 85007, phone # 602-542-5709, website address: https://ppse.az.gov/


On the California Campus (only)

If the complaint cannot be resolved after exhausting the institution’s complaint procedures, the student may file a complaint with the Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education. The student must contact the Bureau for further details. The Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education address is P.O. Box 980818, West Sacramento, CA 95798-0818, phone # (888) 370-7589, website address: https://www.bppe.ca.gov/enforcement/complaint.shtml


Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Contact

Lori Haxton, MA
Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs
800 W. Jefferson St., Kirksville, Missouri 63501
Tinning Education Center, 2nd Floor Student Affairs Suite
E-mail: lhaxton@atsu.edu
Executive Assistant: 660.623.2236

Michael Zajac, MA
Associate Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs
5835 E. Still Circle, STE. 102, Mesa, AZ 85206
E-mail: michaelzajac@atsu.edu
Executive Assistant: 660.626.2236

Dianne Korth, MA
Director - Student Affairs
1075 E. Betteravia Rd., STE. 201, Santa Maria, CA 93454
E-mail: diannekorth@atsu.edu
Executive Assistant: 660.626.2236