Mar 31, 2025  
2023-24 ATSU University Catalog 
2023-24 ATSU University Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

ATSU Faculty Listing

ATSU Faculty Listing

The faculty listing is updated as part of the first quarterly addendum each year.


ATSU ASDOH Administration

Jonathan J. Brennan, MD, DMD, MPH
Associate Dean Innovation Curricul

Wayne Cottam, DMD, MS
Vice Dean

Mindy Z. Motahari, DMD, MAEd
Associate Dean for Comprehensive Care

Maureen E. Perry, DDS, MPA, MAEd
Associate Dean ASDOH Post Grad Clinical

Klud Razoky, BDS
Associate Dean  Pre ASDOH

Ann E. Spolarich, RDH, PhD
Assistant Dean Research ASDOH

George B. Spruce, DDS, MPH
Assistant Dean ASDOH American Indian Affairs

Robert M. Trombly, DDS, JD
Dean Arizona School Dentistry Oral Hlth

Janet L. Woldt, PhD, MS
Associate Dean ASDOH Academic Assessment

ATSU-ASDOH Ortho Education

Gary P. Brigham, DDS, MSD
Adjunct Professor

Philip J. Fernandez, PhD
Adjunct Professor

Andrew E. Forman, DDS, MS
Adjunct Professor

David E. Hoffman, DMD
Adjunct Professor

Janet L. Jordan-Richmann, DDS
Adjunct Faculty

Sulieman A. Kassisieh, DDS, MS
Adjunct Professor

Alyssa S. Levin, DDS, MS
Adjunct Professor

Payam Owtad, DHeD, DDS, MS
Adjunct Assistant Professor

Michael K. Papademetriou, MS, DMD
Clinical Director - Postgraduate Orthodontics Program
Associate Professor

Jae H. Park, DMD, MSD, MS, PhD
Director Orthodontics

Treven B. Rollins, DMD
Adjunct Professor

Barnett R. Rothstein, DMD, MSD
Adjunct Professor

Cliff H. Running, DDS
Adjunct Professor

Phillip J. Santucci, DDS
Adjunct Professor

Richard L. Sparks, DDS, MS
Adjunct Professor

Xingzhong Zhang, DDS, MSD, PhD
Assistant Professor Dental Faculty

ATSU-ASDOH Pre-Doc Educaiton

Mahshid Asrari, DDS, MS
Adjunct Faculty

Michelle M. Bordges, RDH
Adjunct Professor

Jean M. Brady, MA, RDH
Instructor Dental Hygienist

Erin Burke, DDS
Adjunct Faculty

Carleigh R. Canterbury, DDS
Director, Oral Max Pathology

Anthony C. Caputo, DDS
Adjunct Professor

Sonja A. Carl, DMD
Adjunct Assistant Professor

Clark Chen, DMD
Assistant/Associate  Professor, Prosthodontics / Advanced Restorative Dentistry

Jeffrey T. Cohen, DDS
Adjunct Faculty

Richard J. Cohen, DDS, FACD FAHS, FAAOP
Assistant Professor 

Vance S. Cox, DDS
Adjunct Professor

Joseph C. Creech, DDS
Adjunct Faculty

Russell J. Crockett, DMD
Assistant/Associate Professor, Prosthodontics / Advanced Restorative Dentistry

David W. Crouthamel, DDS
Adjunct Faculty

Daniel L. Custis, DDS
Adjunct Professor

Christopher J. DeMoss, DDS
Assistant Professor 

Roberto E. DiVito, DDS, PLLC
Adjunct Professor

Rachel L. Duffy, DMD, MPH
CCU Director & Assistant Professor

MaiLy T. Duong, DMD, MPH, MAEd, FAGD, FSCD
Director - Special Care Dentistry

Tamer A. El-Gendy, DMD, BDS, MS
Director Dental Specialty Prof

Amira E. Elgreatly, BDS, MS
Associate Professor Dental

Ryan H. Engelberg, DDS
Adjunct Professor

Karen M. Fallone, RDH
Instructor Dental Hygienist

Irwin Feinberg, DDS
Adjunct Faculty

Lindsay R. Felien, DMD
Adjunct Faculty
ASDOH Pre-Doc Education

Barbara B. Giancola, DDS
Adjunct Professor

Ellen Gohlke, RDH, BS
Instructor Dental Hygienist

Devin Gomez, RDH
Instructor Dental Hygienist

Michael S. Goodman, DDS
Adjunct Professor

Saul E. Grajales, DMD, MSD
Adjunct Professor

Victoria G. Green, MS, RDH
Adjunct Faculty

Terri G. Hanger, RDH, MEd
Instructor Dental Hygienist

Laurence A. Harlan, DDS
Adjunct Professor
ASDOH Pre-Doc Education

Eric J. Harris, DDS
CCU Director & Assistant Professor

Emily J. Hawkins, RDH
Instructor - Hygiene DIC

Alfredo I. Hernandez, DDS
Associate Professor 

Roy P. Holexa, DDS
CCU Director & Assistant Professor

Brandon Holyoak, DDS
Adjunct Faculty

Scott E. Howell, DMD, MPH
Directory of Public Health/Teledentistry
Associate Professor

Eugene F. Jasper, DDS
Adjunct Faculty

James A. Jennings, DDS
Adjunct Faculty

Amy E. Jensby, DMD, CPH
Adjunct Faculty

Heather A. Johnson, RDH, MEd
Director Dentistry in the Community

Matthew B. Kahn, DDS, MS, FACP
Adjunct Faculty

Sabah Kalamchi, DDS
Director Dental OralMax Professor

Sara E. Karlin, DDS
Adjunct Assistant Professor

Mark A. Kerr, DDS
Adjunct Professor

Eric B. Kosel, DMD
Director ASDOH AEGD Clinical

Satish S. Kumar, DMD, MDSc, MS
Director Periodontics

Michael LaCorte, DDS
Adjunct Professor

Timothy Lamanna, PA-C
Adjunct Faculty

Jenna Y. Lau, DDS
Assistant Professor

Rodger A. Lawton, DMD, FACP
Adjunct Faculty

Michael P. Lazarski, DMD, MPH
Adjunct Professor

Anna Lee, DDS
Adjunct Professor

William B. Leibow, DDS, MSD
Director Endodontics 

Robert D. Levine, DDS
CCU Director & Assistant Professor

Gregory S. Lord, DMD
Adjunct Faculty

Kimberly B. Lovell, MEd, BSDH
Instructor Dental Hygienist

James Lynskey, PT, PhD
Adjunct Faculty

William M. Madaio, DMD
Assistant Professor 

Ahmed M. Mahrous, BDS, MS
Director of CAD/CAM Dentistry 

Tannaz Z. Malekzadeh, DMD, MAEd
Adjunct Assistant Professor

Katie L. Martin, DMD, MPH, MS
Adjunct Faculty

Erin E. Maruska, DMD, MPH
Assistant Professor 

Debra Mavroidis, DDS, BA
Adjunct Faculty

Natasha Y. May, DDS, MS
Adjunct Faculty

Elizabeth T. McCarthy, MEd, BSDH, AZEFDA
Instructor Dental Hygienist

Katie V. Meier, RDH, BS
Adjunct Professor

Neisha Merrell, RDH, BS
Adjunct - Hygiene Instructor

Victoria G. Michaels, LCSW
Director ASDOH BRITE Program

Ziad T. Mougharbel, BS
Instructor Dental Hygienist

Janet L. Nihill, RDH, BS
Instructor Dental Hygienist
ASDOH Pre-Doc Education

Suzanne A. Nissen, BSDH
Instructor Dental Hygienist

Tinisha A. Notice, DDS, MS, BS, BA
Adjunct Faculty

Bharat S. Patel, DDS
Adjunct Professor

Seena B. Patel, DMD, MPH
Director, ASDOH Oral Medicine

Diane C. Paz, DrBH, MEd, BS, RDH
Instructor Dental Hygienist

Jonetta A. Podmanik, RDH, MEd
Instructor Dental Hygienist

Bobbie L. Repp, RDH-AP, BS
Adjunct Faculty

Robert S. Roda, DDS, MS
Adjunct Faculty

Ferdinand G. Ruocco, DDS
CCU Director & Assistant Professor

Jeremy Sant, DDS
Associate Clinical Director AEGD

Rebecca Schaffer, DDS
Adjunct Professor

Austin J. Shackelford, DMD
Director Oral Max Radiology

Marc Shlossman, DDS, MS
Associate Professor 

Azfar Siddiqui, BDS, DMD, MSc
Adjunct Professor

Darrell Sims, DDS
Adjunct Faculty

Shannon M. Skarzynski, MS, BS
Instructor Dental Hygienist

Steven R. Sluyk, DDS
Adjunct Faculty

Larisa R. Smith, DMD
Adjunct Professor

Richard P. Smith, DDS
Adjunct Faculty

Stefanie Sotello, DDS, BA
Adjunct Faculty

Lindsay G. Springer, DMD, MPH, MS
CCU Director & Assistant Professor

Oksana Stoj, DMD
Adjunct Professor

Robin Sutton, DDS
Adjunct Faculty

Timothy S. Taylor, DDS
Adjunct Professor

Hanann Tomeh, DDS, MPH
Clinical Associate Professor - ASDOH

Colleen R. Trombly, RDH, MHSA
Adjunct Faculty

Judy K. VanGheluwe, DDS, MS
Adjunct Professor

Taylor A. Velasquez, DMD, MPH
Assistant Professor Dental Faculty

Courtney C. Walker, DDS
Adjunct Faculty

Jessica M. Walker-Livingston, BSDH, RDH, AP
Adjunct Professor

Anne Marie Wang, RDH, MS
Instructor Dental Hygienist

Mitzi M. Wasden, DDS, MS
Adjunct Faculty

Richard C. Westergard, DDS
Adjunct Assistant Professor

Lynne M. Whitcomb, DDS
Adjunct Professor

Bruce A. White, DDS
Assistant Professor Dental Faculty

Angela S. Wilson, DMD
Adjunct Professor

Spencer G. Wilson, DDS
Adjunct Professor

Samantha J. Yineman, DMD, MPH
Assistant Director Dental Faculty

Jaclyn A. Young, DDS
Adjunct Faculty



AFA Balance & Hearing Institute

Elizabeth D. Palmer, AuD
Interim Director AFA - Assistant Professor

ATSU-ASHS Administration

Ann Lee Burch, PT, EdD, MPH

Marlene B. Salas-Provance, PhD, MHA, MA
Vice Dean

Athletic Training Program

Barton E. Anderson, DHSc, AT, ATC

Cailee W. Bacon, PhD, ATC

Sara D. Brown, MS, ATC
Adjunct Professor

Avinash S. Chandran, PhD, MS
Adjunct Assistant Professor

Chad A. Clements, MS, ATC
Adjunct Associate Professor

Thomas B. Dewey, DAT, ATC, CSCS
Adjunct Teaching Assistant

Susan A. Falsone, PT,  MS
Associate Professor

Rhianna L. Freiburger, DAT
Adjunct Assistant Professor

Rachel E. Geoghegan, DAT, MSHRD
Assistant Professor

Nicolette A. Harris, DAT, LAT, ATC, CSCS
Director - Student Recruitment

Brian V. Hortz, PhD, ATC
Adjunct Professor

Bailey C. Jones, PhD
Adjunct Instructor

Alison R. Valier, PhD, ATC, FNATA

McLeod Tamara Valovich, PhD, ATC
Department Chair

Jefferson J. Wetherington, MS, AT, ATC
Adjunct Professor

Andrew P. Winterstein, PhD
Adjunct Professor

Audiology - Distance

Gregory D. Borgmeyer, AuD
Adjunct Assistant Professor

Bettie B. Borton, AuD
Adjunct Assistant Professor

Tabitha C. Buck, AuD
Department Chair, Program Director Audiology,
Professor Tenure Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology

Andrew S. Bzowyckyj, PharmD, BCPS, CDE
Adjunct Assistant Professor

Janina J. Carter, AuD, CCC-A
Adjunct Assistant Professor

Natalie J. Despain, AuD
Adjunct Assistant Professor

Krista M. Fitzgerald, AuD
Adjunct Assistant Professor

Ilia R. Fong, AuD, CCC-A, FAAA
Adjunct Assistant Professor

Gloria D. Garner, AuD
Adjunct Assistant Professor

Sara L. Jagger, AuD
Adjunct Assistant Professor

Kristin R. Knight, MS
Adjunct Assistant Professor

Kelly A. Malcolm, AuD, MPH, CCC-A
Adjunct Assistant Professor

Melanie Muhlestein, AuD
Adjunct Assistant Professor

Mary C. Ormson, AuD
Adjunct Assistant Professor

Stacy L. Payne, AuD
Adjunct Assistant Professor

Mia R. Pendergrass, AuD
Adjunct Assistant Professor

Andrea B. Ruotolo, AuD
Director, Associate Professor

Isley Amanda Zappler, AuD
Adjunct Assistant Professor

Audiology - Residential

Shelley P. Baltodano, AuD
Assistant Professor

Norman J. Bizon, PA-C
Adjunct Professor

Erica M. Bodie, AuD
Adjunct Assistant Professor

Elton Bordenave, PhD, MED
Associate Professor

Gail P. Clarin, AuD
Adjunct Assistant Professor

Rachel F. Cornwell, AuD
Adjunct Assistant Professor

Rebekah F. Cunningham, PhD
Adjunct Faculty

Patricia Dabrowski, AuD
Associate Professor

Soha N. Garadat, PhD, MS
Associate Professor

Feigi S. Halberstam, AuD
Adjunct Assistant Professor

Troy D. Hale, AuD
Associate Professor

Robin T. Jones, AuD, CCC-A
Adjunct Assistant Professor

Rikki R. Kolowich, AuD
Adjunct Assistant Professor

Zarin Mehta, PhD
Associate Professor

Leslie R. Schmeltz, AuD
Adjunct Associate Professor

Susan R. Schmidt, AuD
Adjunct Assistant Professor

Kimberly G. Skinner, AuD, PhD
Associate Professor

Abbie R. Wagoner, MED, MA
Adjunct Assistant Professor

Larry A. Wise, AuD, MBA, CCC-A, FAAA
Adjunct Assistant Professor

Doctor of Medical Science (PA)

Kari S. Bernard, PA-C, PhD
Adjunct Associate Professor

Michael E. Champion, DHS, PA-C, MSc, MBA, MMSc, MEd
Adjunct Assistant Professor

Francis Crosby Jr., DHSc, MPAS, PA-C
Adjunct Professor

Randy Danielsen, PhD, PA-C Emeritus

James E. Delaney, DMSc, MPAS, PA-C
Adjunct Faculty

Sondra M. DePalma, DHSc, PA-C, CLS, CHC, DFAAPA, FNLA, AAC
Adjunct Assistant Professor

Jerica N. Derr, DMSc, PA-C
Associate Director of Capstone & Research Activities

Larry P. Fisher, PA-C, MPAS, DHSc
Adjunct Assistant Professor

Trenton J. Honda, PhD, MMS, PA-C
Adjunct Faculty

Kevin R. Kupferer, PA-C, DHS, MsCI
Adjunct Assistant Professor

Mary K. Laxton, DHSc, PA-C, DFAAPA
Adjunct Assistant Professor

Michelle M. McMoon, PA-C, PhD
Adjunct Faculty

John R. McMullen, MS, PA-C, EdD

Leon A. Moak, DMSc, PA-C
Adjunct Assistant Professor

Melinda Moore Gottschalk, DMSc, PA-C, DFAAPA
Adjunct Assistant Professor

S. Jason Moore, PhD, PA, MS
Adjunct Faculty

Brian K. Nordgren, DHSc, MPH, PA-C
Adjunct Faculty

Jr. Gaspar Rosario, DHSc, PA-C
Adjunct Faculty

Albert F. Simon, DHSc, PA-C
Associate Director

Anthony Stephas, DHSc, PA-C
Adjunct Assistant Professor

Joseph G. Weber, DHSc, MBA, MPAS, PA-C
Adjunct Associate Professor

Doctor of Physical Therapy [Post-Professional]

Heather C. Allen, DPT, MPT
Adjunct Professor

Jenny C. Bradley, DPT
Adjunct Professor

Karen Bustillo, PT, OCS
Adjunct Professor

Monica I. Cioffi, DPT, PT, MS
Adjunct Professor

Jay W. Croswell, DPT
Adjunct Faculty

Maria C. Daab, DPT, MPT
Adjunct Professor

Nilma Z. Elias-Santiago, PT, DPT
Adjunct Professor

Anne W. Ensor, PT, DPT, WCS
Adjunct Professor

Suzanne J. Greenwalt, DPT, MS
Adjunct Professor

Elizabeth H. Heick, PT, CWS
Adjunct Professor

Amie M. Jasper, DPT
Adjunct Professor

Alison Klossner, PT, DPT
Adjunct Professor

Renee M. Mazurek, DPT
Adjunct Professor

Beatrice A. McCurdy, PT, DPT
Adjunct Professor

Janice S. Moore, PT, DPT
Adjunct Faculty

Janet L. Mutschler, MHS
Adjunct Professor

Dana Palmer, DPT, BMRPT
Adjunct Professor

Adrienne R. Parry, DPT
Adjunct Professor

James A. Randolph, DPT
Adjunct Professor

Wendy E. Williams, DPT
Adjunct Professor

Interdisciplinary Health Science

Kathryn L. Bauer, OTD
Adjunct Instructor

Ralph C. Bay, PhD
Professor - Biostatistician

Kellie H. Bliven, PhD, ATC
Department Chair

Kenneth C. Lam, ScD, ATC
Professor - Biostatistician

Trevor Leavitt, MS, BS
Adjunct Instructor

Jessica A. Norstrom, DPT
Adjunct Faculty

Kelsey J. Picha, PhD, ATC
Associate Professor Anatomy

Alex F. Wong, BA
Instructor Anatomy

BioMedical Science (PA)

Heather Alonge, PhD
Adjunct Faculty

Michael G. DePalma, DMSc, MHS, PA-C, DFAAPA
Director - Biomedical Sciences
Associate Professor

Ngolui R. Fuanta, PhD
Adjunct Faculty

Kathryn Kugler, MA, BS
Adjunct Faculty

Douglas D. Long, DMSc, PA-C
Adjunct Faculty

LeAnne Martinelli, DHSc, MS, PA-C
Adjunct Faculty

Karen A. Mattes, EdD, MS
Adjunct Faculty

Laura E. Solano, MPAS, BS
Adjunct Faculty

Neurologic Residency PT

Cecelia R. Sartor-Glittenberg, PT, PhD, NCS
Adjunct Associate Professor

Occupational Therapy

Lacee M. Andrews, MS, BS

Briana N. Bonner, OTD, MS
Assistant Professor

Sue Dahl-Popolizio, DBH, OTR/L
Associate Professor

Melinda M. Delbridge, MS

Rachel Diamant, PhD, OTR/L, BCP
Adjunct Professor

Brandi M. Fulwider, PhD, OTR/L
Assistant Professor

Mara E. Funke, MPH

John M. Galbraith, OTD, MS
Adjunct Instructor

Meryl Glenn, OTD, MS, OTR/L, CBIS
Assistant Professor

Benjamin J. Gross, MOT

Katherine M. Jones, MA, OTR/L, CLT-LANA
Assistant Professor

Haley D. LeSueur, MSOT, OTR/L, NTMTC
Adjunct Instructor

Jennifer L. Radziak, OTD, OTR/L, CHT
Assistant Professor

Tania L. Shearon, DHSc, OTR/L, CHT, C-IAYT
Director Curriculum

Adam M. Story, PT, DPT, OTR/L, OTD, MTC
Assistant Professor

Rebecca L. Wolf, JD, MPH, OTR/L
Department Chair

Orthopedic Residency PT

Amisha Klawonn, PT,DPT,OCS,FAAOMPT
Adjunct Professor

Physical Therapy

Andrew P. Albrecht, DPT
Adjunct Professor

Jeffrey J. Andrion, PhD, MA
Assistant Professor

Lori Bordenave, PT, DPT, PhD
Department Chair

Jacob Brennan, PT, DPT, OCS
Adjunct Faculty

Scott A. Campbell, DPT
Adjunct Faculty

Kyle E. Cherney, PT, DPT, OCS
Adjunct Professor

Katherine J. Darling, DPT, MPT
Adjunct Faculty

Lora L. Davis, PT, DPT, MS
Adjunct Professor

David A. Doubblestein, PT, PhD, CLT, Cert MDT, LLCC
Assistant Professor

Deanne R. Fay, PT, DPT, PhD

Timothy O. Fearon, PT, MS
Adjunct Professor

Gina M. Giuliano, PT, DPT
Adjunct Faculty

Margarita Gonzalez, PT, DPT
Adjunct Assistant Professor

John Graves III, DPT
Assistant Professor

Elizabeth Hathaway, DPT
Adjunct Faculty

Jessica W. Hayes, PT, DPT
Assistant Professor

Katherine K. Hench, PT, DPT, NCS
Adjunct Assistant Professor

Cheri A. Hodges, PT, DPT
Associate Professor

Garrett J. Johnson, PT, DPT
Adjunct Assistant Professor

Jason D. Karstens, PT, DPT
Assistant Professor

Pamela V. Kays, PT, DPT, EdD
Director, Curriculum

Zackary B. Kleven, PT, DPT, GCS
Adjunct Faculty

Jamie M. Kuettel, PT, DPT, NCS, GCS
Director of Student, Progression & Retention

Danielle N. Kyman, PT, DPT
Adjunct Assistant Professor

Virginia L. Little, PhD, MS
Director - Research

Chandrika J. Lotwala, DPT, PT
Adjunct Professor

James C. Manton, PT, DPT, OCS
Director Physical Therapy Orthopedic

Nicole S. McCants, PT, DPT
Adjunct Faculty

Tara L. McIsaac, PT, PhD
Adjunct Professor

Ashley E. Miranda, PT
Adjunct Professor

Cheryl Newman, DPT, BS
Adjunct Faculty

Joely M. O’Neal, DPT
Adjunct Assistant Professor

Lindsy R. Palisca, DPT
Adjunct Professor

Sara M. Parker, PT, DPT
Assistant Professor

Samantha A. Perry, PT, DPT
Adjunct Assistant Professor

Seth R. Peterson, PT, DPT, CSCS, OCS
Adjunct Professor

Monica L. Queen, PT, DPT
Assistant Professor

Colin T. Rigney, PT, DPT, OCS
Adjunct Professor

Carrie L. Robinson, PT, DPT, OCS
Assistant Professor

Tamara L. Roehling, PT, DPT, PhD
Director TD Physical Therapy

Christina N. Romeo, PT, DPT, CLT
Adjunct Assistant Professor

James R. Roush, PT, PhD, ATC, ATL
Adjunct Professor

Pablo Ruiz Jr., BS, PT
Adjunct Faculty

IVictor Sanchez II, PT, DPT
Adjunct Faculty

Kenzie L. Sears, PT, DPT, CSCS
Adjunct Faculty

Ariana Seif-Naraghi, PT, DPT, NCS
Adjunct Faculty

Katherine E. Siros, PT, DPT, OCS
Adjunct Professor

Wayne S. Smith, DPT
Adjunct Professor

Corrie J. Stayner, MS
Adjunct Professor

Christine Stockslager, PT, DPT
Adjunct Faculty

Anna E. Thatcher, PT, DPT, SCS, OCS, ATC, CSCS
Adjunct Professor

Michele M. Tourne, PT DPT PCS
Adjunct Professor

Karla M. Tuzzolino, DPT
Adjunct Professor

Michael C. Waits, DPT
Adjunct Professor

Iva M. Walls, PT, DPT, NCS
Adjunct Faculty

Kaitlin T. Weis, DPT, BS
Adjunct Faculty

Tawna C. Wilkinson, PT, DPT, PhD, PCS
Adjunct Associate Professor

Jodi L. Young, DPT, OCS, FAAOMPT
Adjunct Associate Professor

Franchesca G. Alexander, PA-C
Adjunct Professor

Physician Assistant Studies

Howard E. Asaki, PA-C
Adjunct Professor

Annette Bettridge, MS, PA-C
Assistant Professor

Erika L. Biggs, PA-C
Adjunct Professor

Raven S. Burrell, MSPAS, MPH, PA-C, CPH
Adjunct Faculty

Jeffrey D. Butler, DO
Adjunct Professor

Cynthia Churgin, FNP, CNM, PA-C
Adjunct Professor

Tess L. Coon, PA-C
Adjunct Assistant Professor

Michelle O. DiBaise, DHSc, PA-C, DFAAPA
Department Chair

Michael Doiron, MPAS, DScPAS, PA-C
Adjunct Faculty

Sylvia G. Dory, MS, BS
PA Clinical Coordinator

Robert M. Evans, DMSc, PA-C
Adjunct Associate Professor

Sabrina A. Finklea-Strickland, MSN, FNP-BC, PHN, FCN
Assistant Professor

Alexandra M. Fulleman, PA-C
Adjunct Professor

Kristina Y. Gibson, MS, PA-C
Adjunct Faculty

Rozzy Guz, MS, PA-C
Adjunct Faculty

Janice F. Hamilton, PA-C, MPAS
Adjunct Associate Professor

Thomas C. Hartman, DMSc, PA-C
Assistant Professor

Alan M. Haynie, RRT
Adjunct Faculty

Megan A. Huerta, PA-C, MPAS
Adjunct Faculty

Brittney L. Hulsey, MS, MS, PA-C
Assistant Professor

Angela C. Kiselyk, EdD, MS PA-C
Director - PA Progression & Retention

Kimberly A. Kochanoff, MS, PA-C

Robin R. Latto, MPH, PA-C
Adjunct Professor

Jessica S. Laurino, PA-C
Adjunct Faculty

Sarah A. Limberg, MS, PA-C
Adjunct Professor

Melanie M. Lyon, MS, PA-C
Assistant Professor

Linda S. MacConnell, DMSc, MAEd, MPAS, PA-C
Associate Professor

Lisa A. McDaniel, MS, PA-C
Adjunct Professor

Andrea N. McKelvy, MPAS
Adjunct Professor

Robert A. McPherson, PA-C
Adjunct Assistant Professor

Brooke Menzie, MS, PA-C
Adjunct Professor

Philemon R. Merrill, PA-C, MEd
Adjunct Professor

Ami N. Mikhail, PA-C, MS
Assistant Professor

Vanessa B. Mitchell, PA-C
Adjunct Professor

Raymond Pavlick, PhD
Professor Physiology

Jeanne L. Peterson, MS, PA-C
Adjunct Professor

TeAnn Philippis, MMSc, MS, BS
Adjunct Faculty

Sydney S. Querfeld, PA-C, MPAS
Adjunct Faculty

Melinda A. Rawcliffe, PA-C
Adjunct Faculty

Lindsay M. Ruder, PA-C
Adjunct Professor

Kristina A. Shipman, PA-C
Adjunct Faculty

Sarah M. Shuker, PA-C, BS
Adjunct Professor

Victoria K. Smith, PA-C
Adjunct Faculty

Tessa M. Tibben, DHSc, MSPAS, PA-C
Associate Professor

Jeannette D. Vaughn-Dotterer, PA-C
Adjunct Professor

Andrew P. Walker, PA-C
Adjunct Faculty

Clay Walker, MSPAS, PA-C
Adjunct Faculty

Sarah E. Walsh, MS, BS, PA-C
Adjunct Faculty

Lorie L. Weber, MS, PA-C
Assistant Professor

Amy E. Wing, MMS, PA-C
Assistant Professor

Laura S. Witte, PhD, PA-C
Adjunct Professor

Speech-Language Pathology

Beatriz Barragan Serrano, PhD
Associate Professor

Ekaterina Bruno, MEd, CCC-SLP, BCS-S

Maria Vazquez Centeno, PhD, CCC-SLP, BCS-S

Tiffany D. Hines, PhD, MED, BA
Assistant Professor

Ivonne Maldonado De la Rosa, PhD, MS, CCC-SLP
Assistant Professor

Ma de Lourdes Martinez Nieto, PhD, MA
Associate Professor

Margaret Sudimack, MA
Director - Clinical Education

Malathy Venkatesh, PhD, CCC-SLP
Assistant Professor


ATSU-CGHS Administration

Jolynn K. Gardner, PhD
Associate Dean, Academics, Assessment and Curricular Innovation

Marisa L. Hastie, Ed.D., ACSM EP-C, PN1, FACSM

Doctor of Health Administration

Verneda Bachus, DHA, MBA
Adjunct Faculty

Angel Baez Vega, PhD
Adjunct Faculty

Emily A. Bonazelli, DHA, MS
Adjunct Faculty

Lilia A. Chavarria, EdD, MHSc
Adjunct Faculty

Robert Clegg, PhD, MPH
Department Chair

Jo N. Conley, DM, MBA, BNS
Adjunct Faculty

Lihua Dishman, DBA, MBA
Associate Professor

John W. Fick, EdD, FACHE
Associate Professor

Lisa J. Friedrich, MA
Adjunct Faculty

Samuel O. Imarhiagbe, PhD
Adjunct Faculty

Mountasser B. Kadrie, PhD
Adjunct Faculty

Linda F. Koonce, DHA, MBA
Adjunct Faculty

Laurie A. Latvis, DHA
Adjunct Faculty

Donald P. MacLean, MBA
Adjunct Faculty

Susan M. Miedzianowski, PhD, MS
Adjunct Faculty

Heather Moore, DHA, MBA
Adjunct Faculty

Dana Obos, DHA
Adjunct Faculty

Emily W. Smith, JD
Adjunct Faculty

Kathleen Thomas, DHA
Adjunct Faculty

Cande L. Tschetter, PhD, APR
Adjunct Faculty

John D. Vizzuso, DBA, MS
Adjunct Faculty

Letha D. Williams, PhD, FACHE
Adjunct Faculty

Sally M. Willis, PhD
Adjunct Faculty

Doctor of Health Education

Candace L. Ayars, PhD
Associate Professor

Joshua E. Bernstein, PhD, CHES
Associate Professor

Erin K. Breitenbach, PhD, MA
Department Chair

Douglas R. Brtek, EdD
Adjunct Faculty

Sayyid A. Cato, PhD, MA
Adjunct Faculty

Kirk A. Davis, EdD, MBA, BS
Adjunct Faculty

Laura E. Gray, PhD, EdS, MED, BA
Adjunct Faculty

Luis C. Gutierrez, EdD
Adjunct Faculty

Larry Hearld, PHD, MHA
Adjunct Faculty

Gibbs Y. Kanyongo, PhD, MA
Adjunct Faculty

Robin Klein, MD
Adjunct Faculty

Lynda T. Konecny, DHEd, DHSc, MCHES®
Associate Professor

Andrea C. Merritt, EdD, MBA, CHC, CIA, CHCO
Adjunct Faculty

Olawunmi M. Obisesan, PhD, DHEd, MPH
Adjunct Faculty

Arsenio Paez, DPT
Adjunct Faculty

Katherine E. Schultz, MS
Adjunct Faculty

Sabrina Segal, DBA, MBA
Adjunct Faculty

Annette M. Willgens, EdD, MEd
Adjunct Faculty

Lynette M. Williamson, EdD, MBA, BS
Adjunct Faculty

Doctor of Nursing Practice

Diane Drexler, DNP, MBA, FACHE
Adjunct Faculty

Helen J. Ewing, DHSc, MN, RN
Adjunct Faculty

Clair A. Lunt, DHSc, MN, RN
Adjunct Faculty

Claudia G. Mitchell, PhD, MSN, RN
Adjunct Faculty

Nicole Webb, DNP, APRN, FNP
Department Chair

Doctor of Health Sciences

George M. Ackerman, PhD, JD, MBA, MS
Adjunct Faculty

Jeffrey L. Alexander, PhD, FAACVPR, ACSM-CEP®
Associate Professor

Ray A. Borges, DHSc, MBA, MA
Adjunct Faculty

Eric H. Carver, DHSc, MPA, MABMH
Adjunct Faculty

Carol L. Chevalier, DHSc, MPH, MS, CSSGB CPC
Adjunct Faculty

Kathleen D. DiCaprio, PhD
Associate Professor

Thomas A. DiDonna, DHSc, MSN, RN
Adjunct Faculty

Michael P. Halasy, DHSc, MS, PA-C
Adjunct Faculty

J M. Hamblin, DHSc, MPA
Adjunct Faculty

Jeremy M. Hodder, DHSc, MSc, PG Dip Law, BScN, RN
Adjunct Faculty

Kathleen M. Mathieson, PhD, CIP
Associate Professor

Eric P. Matthews, PhD, MS
Department Chair

Tracy M. Matthews, PhD, MA
Adjunct Faculty

Patrick A. Palmieri, DHSc, EdS, MBA, MSN,ACNP, RN
Adjunct Faculty

Phillip M. Stephens, DHSc, PA-C
Adjunct Faculty

Melanie M. Tidman, DHSc, MA, OTR/L
Adjunct Faculty

Lisa A. Wallace, PhD
Adjunct Faculty

Megan M. Weemer, DHSC, MCHES
Assistant Professor


Jonna J. Belanger, PhD, MS
Adjunct Faculty

Trevor W. Bennion, DHSc, MS
Adjunct Faculty

Travis J. Bunker, MS
Adjunct Faculty

Sarah R. Everman, PhD
Associate Professor

Charles M. Ferruzza, DPT
Adjunct Faculty

Brittani H. Freund, DPT, PT, ATC, LAT
Adjunct Faculty

Paul T. Frizelle, PT, DPT, MS, OCS, MTC
Adjunct Faculty

Jennifer M. Glenn, MS, BS
Adjunct Faculty

David M. Larson, MS
Adjunct Faculty

James D. Mikeska, MS
Adjunct Faculty

Jeromea M. Pollock, MS, BS
Adjunct Faculty

Matthew R. Rhea, PhD

Tracie J. Rogers, PhD
Department Chair

Michael J. Ryan, PhD, MS
Adjunct Faculty

Sheri L. Walters, PT, DPT, MS, SCS, ATC/L, CSCS
Assistant Professor

Master of Public Health

Marjorie Belizaire, MD
Adjunct Faculty

Sohini Dhar, MPH, BDS
Adjunct Faculty

Nazgol Gharbi, MPH
Adjunct Faculty

Robert M. Henderson, MS
Adjunct Faculty

Andrea L. Johnson, DMD, MPH
Adjunct Faculty

Preeti H. Kamat, PhD, MPH
Adjunct Faculty

Joan S. Leafman, PhD
Adjunct Faculty

Gregory S. Loeben, PhD, MA
Associate Professor

Ashley S. Love, DrPH, MPH, MS, CPH
Adjunct Faculty

Ana Karina Mascarenhas, DrPH
Adjunct Faculty

Rochelle I. Mascarenhas, MPH, BDS
Adjunct Faculty

Mary-Katherine S. McNatt, DrPH, MPH, MCHES, CPH, COI
Department Chair

Christopher M. Miller, DHSc
Adjunct Faculty

Trisha N. Miller, PhD, MPS
Adjunct Faculty

Jill C. Moore, MHA
Adjunct Faculty

Mackenzie B. Moore, MPH
Adjunct Faculty

Leslie C. Sloan, MPH
Adjunct Faculty

Daniel J. Smith, PhD, MBA
Associate Professor

Daryl O. Traylor, PhD, MPH, MS
Adjunct Faculty

Marni E. Valenzuela, MPH, BS
Adjunct Faculty

Meghan E. Wendland, DDS, MPH
Adjunct Faculty

Calvin White, MPH
Adjunct Faculty

Master of Public Health - Dental Emphasis

Anneta Bitouni, DDS, MPH, MS
Assistant Professor

Jeffrey G. Chaffin, DDS, MPH, MBA, MHA
Assistant Professor

Jaana T. Gold, DDS, PhD, MPH, CPH

Michael D. McCunniff, DDS
Adjunct Faculty

Scott J. Rankin, DDS, MS
Adjunct Faculty

ATSU-CHC Faculty

ATSU-CHC Administration

Eric L. Sauers, PhD

Physician Assistant Studies

Sylwia Bareja, PA-C
Adjunct Associate Professor

Hugo Bravo-Chavez, MS, PA-C
Adjunct Faculty

Brandy A. Brooks, EdD, PA-C, MHS, BS
Assistant Professor

Steve R. Clarke, MD
Medical Director

Corey M. Cooper, BS

Jeffrey A. Cronin, MS, PA-C
Assistant/Associate Professor & Clinical Coordinator

Philip M. DaVisio, DMSc, PA-C, CAQ-EM
Assistant Professor

Yelena Gimelberg, PA-C, MPH
Assistant Professor

Jarrod D. Harbour, PA-C
Assistant Professor

Sean X. Hesler, ND
Assistant Professor

Kevin A. Hickman, DMSc, PC-C, MHA, MJ, CHC
Assistant Professor

Katelyn C. Holloway, MPA
Assistant Professor

Eric G. Jahn, PA-C
Assistant Professor

Eugene Keller, MD, MBA, FACEP, FAAP
Associate Professor

Amanda Mallory Spillman, PA-C
Director Clinical Education

Daniel E. McDermott, DMSc, PA-C
Department Chair

Edwin E. Nyambi, DMSc, MPAS, PA-C
Assistant Professor

Joel A. Olmstead, MS, PA-C
Assistant Professor

Hesler Sarah Preston, ND
Adjunct Faculty

Justin P. Reinert, PharmD, MBA
Adjunct Faculty

Cristina Tipei, PA-C
Assistant Professor

Sara A. Wilson, MPAS, PA-C
Associate Professor

Elizabeth A. Wright, MPAS, PA-C
Assistant Professor


ATSU-KCOM Academic Affairs

Kristin M. Blunk, MBA
Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs

ATSU-KCOM Administration

Margaret A. Wilson, DO


Andrea F. Nate, PhD, MA
Adjunct Faculty


James H. Adams, DO
Assistant Professor

Sara B. Funk, BS, PT
Assistant Professor

Jeremy J. Houser, PhD
Associate Professor

Peter Kondrashov, PhD
Department Chair & Professor

Shanu Markand, PhD
Assistant Professor

Sumitra Miriyala, PHD,MBA, MPH, FAHA
Associate Professor

Bruce A. Young, PhD

ATSU-KCOM Biochemistry

Zulfiqar Ahmad, PhD

Suhail Akhtar, PhD, MS, BSc
Assistant Professor

Michael W. Bradbury, PhD, MPhil

James L. Cox, PhD
Associate Professor

Pandurangan Ramaraj, PhD
Associate Professor

ATSU-KCOM Clinical Affairs

Jeffrey D. Davis, DO, CMD
Assistant Dean for Clinical Affairs

Saroj Misra, DO
Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs

ATSU-KCOM Family Medicine Community Health

Julie M. Hessler, DO
Assistant Professor

Katherine L. Holbrook, DO
Assistant Professor

Tatyana Kondrashova, PhD
Professor - Research

Jordan Palmer, DO
Assistant Professor

ATSU-KCOM Internal Medicine

Lary L. Ciesemier, DO
Department Chair

David W. Cleaver, DO
Assistant Professor

Lloyd J. Cleaver, DO
Assistant Vice President Continuing Ed

John M. DeLeeuw, DO
Assistant Professor

Valena Fiscus, DO, MPH
Assistant Professor

David E. Goldman, JD, DO, FCLM
Associate Professor

ATSU-KCOM Medical Education

Patricia S. Sexton, DHEd
Associate Dean, Medical Education

Karen T. Snider, DO
Assistant Dean for Osteopathic Principles and Practice Integration

ATSU-KCOM Microbiology

Neal R. Chamberlain, PhD

Patricia B. Lodato, PhD
Assistant Professor

Priscilla L. Phillips, PhD
Associate Professor

Vineet K. Singh, PhD

Melissa Stuart, PhD
Department Chair

ATSU-KCOM Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine

Brent L. Dixon, DO
Assistant Professor

Shana A. Greven, DO
Assistant Professor

Jonathon R. Kirsch, DO
Associate Professor

Eric Snider, DO
Department Chair & ONMM Residency Program Director

David V. Spencer, DO
Adjunct Assistant Professor

Billy W. Strait, DO
Associate Professor

Chelsey Stull, DO
Assistant Professor

ATSU-KCOM Pharmacology

Yingzi Chang, MD, PhD

Keith S. Elmslie, PhD
Department Chair

Byunghee H. Han, PhD

David S. Middlemas, PhD

Daniela Ostrowski, PhD
Assistant Professor

Robert J. Theobald, PhD

ATSU-KCOM Physiology

Robert W. Baer, PhD

William F. Brechue, PhD
Department Chair

Timothy Geisbuhler, PhD
Associate Professor

Yohei Norimatsu, PhD
Associate Professor

Tim D. Ostrowski, PhD
Associate Professor

William L. Sexton, PhD

ATSU-KCOM Regional Medicine

Howard S. Levine, DO
Regional Assistant Dean


Kelly D. Burchett, DO
Assistant Professor

Jessica K. Caine, DO
Assistant Professor

Jonathan D. Easterwood, DO
Assistant Professor

Jake S. Settles, DO
Assistant Professor

Brent D. Speak, DO
Department Chair


ATSU-MOSDOH Administration

Grishondra L. Branch-Mays, DDS, MS
Senior Associate Dean, Academic Affairs

Poonam Jain, BDS, MS, MPH
Vice Dean

Dwight E. McLeod, DDS, MS

Ammar Musawi, BDS, MDS, MPH
Assistant Dean, Simulation Clinic & Pre Clinical Education

ATSU-MOSDOH Clinical Education

Hesham H. Abdulkarim, BDS, MSD, ICOIF, ICOIM
Associate Professor

Michael F. Abels, DDS
CCU Director & Assistant Professor

Olayinka C. Adekugbe, DMD, MPH
Assistant Professor - Dentistry & MPH

Abdal Aziz Alfarra, BDS, MSc, DDS
Assistant Professor

Mamdouh Alrata, BDS
Adjunct Faculty

Michael J. Backer, DMD
Adjunct Assistant Professor

Travis S. Barrett, DMD
Adjunct Faculty

Paul W. Bigg, DMD
Director, Special Care Unit & Special Needs Dentistry

Jane D. Clark, MPH
Director Dentistry in the Community

Lori A. Crawford, RDH, BS
Director, ICSP

Brandon J. Crivello, DMD
Adjunct Assistant Professor

Steve K. Dawson, DMD
Adjunct Assistant Professor

David S. Dunivan, DMD
Assistant Professor

Hashim G. Elmshiti, PhD, MS
Assistant Professor Anatomy

Forrest M. Farr, DDS
Adjunct Assistant Professor

Elie Freilich, DDS
Adjunct Assistant Professor

Charles D. Fuszner, DMD
Adjunct Assistant Professor

Michael R. Greaves, DDS
Director - CCU & Assistant Professor

David E. Greaves, DDS
Director - Specialty & Assistant Professor

David L. Hatch, DMD, MPH
Adjunct Faculty

Kapil Ramesh Jadhav, BDS,MPH,DMD
Assistant Professor

Maria W. Kim, DMD
Assistant Professor

Christopher Koechner, DMD
Adjunct Assistant Professor

Haribabu Prashanth Konatham, DDS, MSD, MDS
Assistant Professor

Jenna F. Lew-Feit, DMD
Adjunct Faculty

Marsha L. Marden, DMD
Director - Lead CCU & Assistant Professor

Ignacio C. Marquez, DDS, MS
Director, Clinical Faculty

Richard G. Meier, DDS
Adjunct Professor

Romana Muller, EdD, MSDH, RDH
Assistant Professor

Alan Mundhenke, DMD
Adjunct Assistant Professor

Ana A. Niehoff, DDS
Adjunct Assistant Professor

Jr. Robert Olson, DDS
Adjunct Assistant Professor

Puja N. Patel, DMD
CCU Director & Assistant Professor

Shaista Rashid, BDS, MS, MPH
Director- CCU & Assistant Professor

Robert A. Reti, HBSC, DDS
Adjunct Assistant Professor

Vedrana Sedic, DMD
Adjunct Assistant Professor

Sara I. Seus, DMD
Adjunct Assistant Professor

Karl E. Shanker, DDS
Assistant Professor

Herbert P. Silva, DMD
CCU Director & Assistant Professor

Kathryn A. Simon, DDS
Assistant Professor

Paul A. Sneath, DDS
Adjunct Assistant Professor

Dipali Thakker, DMD
Adjunct Assistant Professor

David E. Urbanek, DMD
Adjunct Assistant Professor

Richard J. Vargo, DMD
Director, Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology

Akshay A. Vij, BDS, ACT
SCU Director & Associate Professor

Hoven Eric Von, DMD
Adjunct Assistant Professor

John J. Wahle, DDS
Adjunct Assistant Professor

Robert M. Waxler, DMD, MS
Assistant Professor

Jennifer N. Wilson, BS
Instructor - Dental Hygienist

Roger K. Zacher, DDS
Adjunct Assistant Professor

Ahmed Zarrough, DDS, DSc, BDS
CCU Director & Assistant Professor


Richard D. Allinson, DDS
Assistant Professor

Melissa C. Ausmus, RDH
Adjunct Instructor

Rawda Awad, BDS
Adjunct Assistant Professor

Graziela R. Batista, DDS, PhD
Associate Professor

Michael Cho, DMD, MPH
Adjunct Assistant Professor

Robert Collinge, DDS
Adjunct Assistant Professor

Amanda L. Fitzpatrick, DDS
Adjunct Assistant Professor

Dave D. Kojic
Assistant Professor

Khanlar Leila Nasiry, PhD, MSc, DDS
Assistant Professor

Osariemen Okhuaihesuyi, BDS, FMCDS
Director of Integrated Human Sciences

Hanan Omar, BDS, MSC, PhD
Assistant Dean Research

Ali Pourian, DDS, MS
Adjunct Assistant Professor

Mohamed M. Rahhal, PhD
Assistant Professor

Whitney N. Schmitz, BS
Adjunct Instructor

Thomas L. Taylor, DDS
Adjunct Professor

Anthony Van Soest, DMD
Adjunct Professor


ATSU-SOMA Administration

Erin D. Messer, PharmD, MBA
Asst Dean, Preclinical Curriculum

Sharon J. Obadia, DO

Lisa M. Tshuma, DBH, PA-C, MPA
Assistant Director, Faculty Development & Associate Professor

Christina M. Weaver, DO
Assistant Dean Clinical Curriculum, IPE, Simulation SOMA


LeAnn Allgood, MD
Assistant Professor

Anna M. Campbell, PhD
Department Chair & Associate Professor

Andrew D. Grass, PhD
Associate Professor

Kamalani K. Hanamaikai, DO
Adjunct Faculty

Mahmood Hassan, MD
Adjunct Faculty

John X. Hu, MD, PhD
Associate Professor

John James, DO, MS
Adjunct Faculty

Danish Javed, MD, FAAP
Assistant Professor

Robert McCarver, MD
Adjunct Faculty

John H. Olson, PhD

Ellen H. Savoini, PhD, MSc
Associate Professor

ATSU-SOMA Graduate Medical Education

Lawrence R. LeBeau, DO
Department Chair

Christine M. Morgan, EdD
Assistant Professor

Basic Medical Science Education 

Victoria L. Bryant, PhD
Associate Professor

Jeffrey L. Hansen, PhD
Associate Professor

Erin S. Honsa, PhD
Adjunct Faculty

Robert Lewis, PhD
Associate Professor

Inder Raj Makin, MD, PhD

Milton P. Pong, PhD
Associate Professor

Timothy Shipley, PhD
Associate Professor

Clinical Science Education

Yaqoobi Ali Al, MD, FACP
Adjunct Faculty

Jacob A. Allgood, DO
Department Chair

Roger S. Andersen, DO
Assistant Professor

Nicholas J. Caputo, DO
Assistant Professor

Teresa J. Carleton, MD, FACS
Adjunct Faculty

Carolyn G. Chatterton, DO, MPH
Assistant Professor

Leigh A. Costanzo, DO
Adjunct Faculty

Natasha M. Davis, MD
Clinical Assistant Professor

David W. Dixon, DO
Adjunct Faculty

Mark Fischione, MD

Kendra M. Gray, DO
Adjunct Faculty

Michael R. Hubbard, DO
Assistant Professor

Benjamin E. Ihms, DO
Assistant Professor

Breanne Jaqua, DO, MPH
Assistant Professor

Britani Javed, DO, FAAP
Assistant Professor

Amy Kristensen, MD, MS
Adjunct Faculty

Maurice M. Lee, MD, MPH, FAAFP
Assistant Professor

Christina Liou, DO
Adjunct Faculty

Joel P. Mascaro, DO
Assistant Professor

Julie G. Massoud, DO
Assistant Professor

Danny E. McClure, DO
Assistant Professor

Frederick W. McDonald, DO
Assistant Professor

Jeffrey W. Morgan, DO, FACOI
Adjunct Faculty

Robert Q. Murillo, MD
Assistant Professor

Sang Y. O, DO
Adjunct Faculty

Jeffrey C. Proudfoot, DO, FACOEP
Assistant Professor

Lorree A. Ratto, PhD
Director, Medical Simulation & Standardized Patients

Denise R. Sackett, DO
Associate Professor

Grace E. Stewart, MD
Assistant Professor

Hardhipriya Sudarsanam, MD
Assistant Professor

Earla J. White, PhD, MED
Associate Professor

Henry Workman Jr., DO
Adjunct Faculty

Clinical Education

Christina K. Adams, MD
Assistant Professor

Eve A. Ashby, DO
Regional Director

Sharon E. Chu, MD, MPH
RDME Assistant Professor

Deane C. DeFontes, MD
RDME Assistant Professor

Christopher L. Dixon, DO
RDME Assistant Professor

Stephanie B. Hartline, DO
RDME Assistant Professor

Tanureet Kochar, MD
RDME Assistant Professor

Erin McFadden, MD
RDME Assistant Professor

Bradley J. Meek, DO
Assistant Professor

Ruth J. Michaelis, MD
Clinical Assistant Professor

Sharon H. Ong, DO
Clinical Assistant Professor

Nicholas G. Parise, DO, MS
RDME Assistant Professor

Martin A. Peters, DO
RDME Assistant Professor

Farnaz Pirayesh, DO
RDME Assistant Professor

Faith L. Polkey, MD, MPH, FAAP
Regional Director

Carolina Quezada, MD
Assistant Dean, Clinical Education

Esther Quintero, DO
RDME Assistant Professor

Benjamin Reeser, MD
RDME Assistant Professor

Aldo Rodriguez, MD
RDME Assistant Professor

Aline Sengchannavong, DO
RDME Assistant Professor

Catherine A. Shanahan, MD
Chair RDME

Mark C. Sivakoff, MD
Associate Professor

William H. Stanford, DO, MS
RDME Assistant Professor

Chad R. Taylor, DO
RDME Assistant Professor

Ray A. Wagner, MD, MS, FAAP
Clinical Assistant Professor

Lisa D. Watts, DO
Associate Professor

Shea Welsh, MD
RDME Assistant Professor

Osteopathic Principles & Practice

Regina M. Asaro, DO
RDME Associate Professor

Christina Bereda, DO
Clinical Assistant Professor

Damian J. Bundschuh, DO
Assistant Professor

Thomas R. Byrnes, DO
Assistant Professor

David F. Castro Palomino, DO
Clinical Assistant Professor

Tiffany Crider, DO, MPH
Clinical Assistant Professor

Lisa A. Drummond, DO
RDME Assistant Professor

Hannah Fine, DO
Assistant Professor

Laura J. Grady, DO
Clinical Assistant Professor

Deborah M. Heath, DO
Department Chair & Course Directing

Derek C. Higgins, DO
Assistant Professor

Gregory C. Hollick, DO
Assistant Professor

Terri Kakugawa, DO
Clinical Assistant Professor

James F. Keane, DO, MEd
Assistant Professor

Melchiorra M. Mangiaracina, DO
Assistant Professor

Thomas McNeilis, DO, MS, FACOG
Assistant Professor

Angelique C. Mizera, DO
Assistant Professor

Catherine Patrick, DO
Clinical Assistant Professor

Janelle J. Pieros, DO
Clinical Assistant Professor

Barbara A. Polstein, DO
Assistant Professor

David W. Shoup, DO

Thomas B. Stason, DO
Assistant Professor

Robert C. Woodbury, DO
Assistant Professor

Public Health

Eboni E. Anderson, DHEd, MSW, MEd, MA, BA
Director Community Oriented Primary Care

Joy H. Lewis, DO, PhD, FACP
Department Chair

Debosree Roy, PhD
Assistant Professor

Ebony B. Whisenant, MD