2019-2020 ATSU University Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
ASDO 5100 - Clinical Dentistry I 9.7 credit hours
Fundamentals - Clinic I: This module is intended to be a “break” from the intense biomedical science modules during that semester and to introduce principles and concepts in dentistry fundamental to the understanding of the pre-clinical curriculum. Topics of instruction in this module include Introduction to Dental Anatomy and Terminology, History of Dentistry, Introduction to Research and Evidence Based Dentistry, Public Health, Ethics, Dental Business, Radiology, Behavioral Science, Introduction to Preventive Dentistry, and Simulation Clinic exercises to introduce the manual dexterity and basic operative skills that will be necessary for the pre-clinical courses. Included is the topic of the use of appropriate infection control precautions to protect against transmission of blood-borne and other occupational microbial pathogens utilizing evidence-based infection control and safety policies and practices.
Fundamentals - Operative Dentistry & Lab I: This module will introduce the students to the basic theory and techniques of operative dentistry. Students will have the opportunity to combine the theoretical understanding and integration of clinical skills with medical science knowledge, develop technical skills in operative dentistry through the learning of basic intracoronal preparation and restorations in single teeth, investigate evolving technology, material science, and research, perform self-assessments, and develop a their professional conduct, attitude and appearance. The module will provide students the opportunity to apply clinical and professional skills in a simulated practice environment.
Periodontics I: This course focuses on the application of basic sciences to clinical problems in periodontology. Students will be able to focus on the classification of periodontal diseases, diagnosis and management of periodontal diseases and non-surgical and surgical treatment. Emphasis will be placed on etiology, pathogenesis, treatment modalities and therapeutic and preventive periodontics in a clinical setting. Students will be able to support their treatment decisions with evidence-based literature.